Naust Marine recently delivered a new Automatic Trawl Winch (ATW) Trawl Winch Control system to Russian Factory Trawler (F/T) Kapitan Kolesnikov.
The new Naust Marine (NM) equipment will replace the old winch control system and Ward Leonard generators. Unlike the ship’s older system, by design, the custom NM system will use less ship space and significantly reduce the need for continuous and intensive maintenance = cost savings! In the upcoming weeks, install of the new system will take place in Busan, South Korea.
This NM equipment solution consists of a new drive, 370 kW motors and harmonic filters; which greatly reduces disturbances in the ship's electrical system. These equipment updates will notably simplify the ship's winch controls system. Additionally, NM technicians can connect remotely for any needed assistance or troubleshooting.
F/T Kapitan Kolesnikov is part of the Preobrazheniye Trawler Fleet, was built in 1988, and is 114 meters long. The system buyer and operator is Polar Bear Enterprise which is owned by JSC Gidrostroy at Sakalin Islands in Okhotsko Sea. This is the sixth NM system that Polar Bear Enterprise has purchased for its fleet!
Naust Marine congratulates the fishery and crew on their new custom electrical winch system solution!